"The Gay Parade" is a concept album from indie-rock/pop band Of Montreal that is widely regarded as indie's version of Sgt. Peppers. Straight from the cover art you can see the comparison as the music is also reminiscent of the Beatles record. It's whimsical, its bouncy, and its ultimately an enjoyable stroll through the park for any indie music fan.
"The Gay Parade" will take you to a psychedelic realm where children's fantasies come true. Cotton candy, giraffes, and clowns encompass the circus-like atmosphere in euphoria. The tracks on the album all seem to blend together smoothly as from start to finish, you feel like you're on a cobble-stone path with your eyes wide open with wonder all around you. The cheerful feeling you get from listening to "The Gay Parade" could also make you feel slightly melancholic. When I listened through, I felt happy as I was brought back to a simpler time; but once you realize that Of Montreal wrote this out of missing childhood and all the discovery it held, you get a different feeling pretty quickly.
I feel the album harps a lot on growing up and taking life for how it is, and how it turns out. Songs like "Advice From A Divorced Gentlemen To His Bachelor Friend Considering Marriage" and "A Man's Life Flashing Before His Eyes While He And His Wife Drive Off A Cliff Into The Ocean." obviously talk about maturity and real life issues; while holding on to that whimsical, childhood feeling throughout.
Final Summary:
"The Gay Parade" is anything but an album lacking character and a fortuitous direction it sticks to throughout. You feel as if you're growing up right before your eyes within a 45 minute album. The cheer that enters your body slowly dissipates as you go through the album; much like life in many aspects but the album is important in it strongly conveys innocence and wonder that leaves a lasting impression on the listener. More so through the production than the lyrics does this album impact you. It is considered indie's Sgt Peppers but don't be fooled; "The Gay Parade" doesn't shy away from being different as it is the musical equivalent of adolescence.
Rating: 8.5/10
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