"Magical Mystery Tour" is a double EP record released by The Beatles at the height of their experimental phase in 1967. The album is filled with whimsical, psychedelic subject matter, twisted versions of reality, and overall experimentation. Though the subject matter is out of left field, the album quietly squeaks by some of the more well-known Beatles records as an unexpected treat. It's filled with hits such as "Penny Lane" and "Strawberry Fields Forever" with some deeper cuts that slowly grow on you.
The title track really makes you feel welcomed as George, John, Paul, and Ringo gallantly welcome you to an album that feels very adventurous. George contributes two kaleidoscopic tracks "Flying" and "Blue Jay Way" as Paul offers two of the more mellow, soft and fluffy songs "Fool On The Hill" and "Your Mother Should Know". "Fool On The Hill" is one of my favorites off of this EP as it truly is a song that takes you places. I feel myself on top of a hill while listening to this song; the flutes and abstract instrumentation play a huge role in that.
The remainder of the album is hit after hit as we're treated to classics like "All You Need Is Love", "Hello, Goodbye" and the previously mentioned "Strawberry Fields Forever". The album makes you reminisce on childhood memories whether you grew up in the 60's, or if you're a millennial; as The Beatles' music crosses generation to generation. One of the songs on this EP that implants in your brain forever is "Strawberry Fields Forever". One of the greatest songs ever written as its a track filled with lore, mystery, and experimentation. The song broke boundaries in the recording industry as each member, including George Martin, used the technology they had access to at the time to its full capacity.
Also I can't forget to mention the eccentric "I Am The Walrus". A song that drops your jaw in utter confusion, "I Am The Walrus" sits on a cornflake in the WTF category of Beatles' songs; yet something about it is so classic and authentic that its hard to despise.
Final Summary:
"Magical Mystery Tour" had the unfortunate responsibility of following "Sgt. Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band", widely regarded as the greatest album of all time. But with hits as far as the eye can see, and an EP that is well-balanced in every way, "Magical Mystery Tour" does an excellent job of following up Sgt. Peppers and you could even argue that the mystery tour is a more enjoyable listening experience than Sgt Peppers. An absolute classic.
Rating: 9.8/10
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